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Friday, August 26, 2011

"Your life, day-by-day, tells a story and broadens your horizons."

"Your life, day-by-day, tells a story and broadens your horizons."

~ a friend

for your listening pleasure... one of my favorites...
Sonata for harp: 3. Perpetuum mobile
performed by: Isabelle Moretti: Récital de harpe


Kaleidoscopes created from my photo

These Kaleidoscopes appear in the slideshow linked above.

"Your life tells of His words He sends you every day."

~ a friend


1. "Your life tells by the very manner you speak.",
2. "Your life tells by the way you smile.",
3. "Your life tells by your delight to talk.",
4. "Your life tells by the books you choose to read.",
5. "Your life tells by the very rewards He brings into your life.",
6. "Your life tells by the friends you seek.",
7. "Your life tells by the way you trust His love and care.",
8. "Your life tells His influence in even the smallest of things.",
9. "Your life tells more by letting Him guide you along your path."


Thanks for stopping by
and God Bless,
hugs, Chris

more later...

Sunday, August 07, 2011

"Learning takes practice and study."

"Learning takes practice and study."

"Learning takes practice and study."

~ a friend

The Danboard are my new little people... gifts from friends...

The miniature tea set is from my antique Noritake doll china collectables.

more later...